If your instructor has reached out with an allegation of academic misconduct, they may give you the option to sign a Faculty Disposition Form (available here).

Signing this form indicates that you accept responsibility for the alleged misconduct. If you do not feel comfortable signing it, you do not have to.

You should only sign the Faculty Disposition Form if:

  • You are accepting responsibility for the violation
  • You are an undergraduate student
  • This is your first violation

Regardless of whether you sign the Faculty Disposition Form, your case will be reported to the Center for Student Conduct (CSC).

If this is your first violation and you sign the Faculty Disposition Form:

  • Your instructor will implement the academic sanction you agreed upon
  • You will receive a non-reportable warning from the CSC, and be assigned an educational sanction, such as a written reflection.

If you don’t sign the Faculty Disposition Form or this is not your first violation:

  • You will receive an Alleged Violation Letter from the CSC, and have the opportunity to contest the allegations.

For more information about Academic Misconduct, visit our Academic Misconduct Page and the Academic Misconduct Resource Sheet prepared by the Center for Student Conduct.

If you have questions about your specific academic misconduct allegation, please reach out to academic.misconduct@berkeleysao.org.

Categories: Conduct